Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Add a TAB character to a Microsoft Access column directly

I was trying to add a tab character directly into a column in Microsoft Access in the same way ALT+CODE works for other types of characters. For example, ALT+0169 produces the Copyright symbol (©) just fine. But not for TAB, and probably other standard ASCII non-printable characters less than 128...


Open Notepad and enter a tab, COPY it, and go to your cell in Microsoft Access, and add the tab wherever you want it.

You won't be able to see it though...

But not to worry, just copy the whole cell, and then past it back into Notepad and you will see it show up.

Not sure why you may want a tab in your data, but if you do, this will work...

I was using SQL Server 2005 and Access 2013 for this

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