DESCRIPTION: This TSQL Code snippet will perform data cleaning on every varchar
column and nvarchar column in the specified table, except for varchar(max) and
nvarchar(max) columns.
PURPOSE: This is useful for removing extra spaces, tabs, carriage returns, new lines, and
trimming the front and end of the strings in all your columns. Add other cleaning
routines if you would like, or combine multiple cleaning activities in one statement.
Every [n]varchar column with a length less than max will be affected.
RECOMMENDED: Test on a COPY of the desired table before use to determine data loss.
declare @sql as varchar(2000)
declare @Table as varchar(250)
declare @Column as varchar(250)
declare @Count as int
declare @x as int
set @Table = 'Authors' -- ENTER YOUR TABLE NAME HERE
set @Column = ''
set @Count = 0
set @x = 1
-- delete the temp table if it exists
IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#aTempTable') IS NOT NULL drop table #aTempTable
-- get valid column names in a temp table
row_number() over (order by ordinal_position) as ROW
into #aTempTable
data_type like '%varchar' /* find all varchar and nvarchar columns */
and table_name like @Table
and character_maximum_length > 0 /* avoid varchar(max) columns which are -1 character_maximum_length */
-- how many columns are in the table?
set @Count = (select max(row) from #aTempTable)
while @x <= @Count -- Loop through the column names, and perform data cleaning
-- get the column name for this iteration
set @Column = (select column_name from #aTempTable where row = @x)
-- notify user what is happening (on the messages tab in SQL Server Managment Studio)
print ''
print ''
print cast(@x as varchar(20)) + '. Cleaning ' + @Column
-- perform various data cleaning activities on each column of the data in a given table
-- replace tabs, carriage returns, and newlines with spaces
set @sql = 'update ' + @Table + ' set [' + @Column + '] = replace(replace(replace([' + @Column +'],char(10),'' ''), char(13), '' ''),char(9),'' '')'
--select (@sql)
exec (@sql)
-- replace two spaces with one
set @sql = 'update ' + @Table + ' set [' + @Column + '] = replace(replace([' + @Column +'],'' '','' ''), '' '', '' '')'
--select (@sql)
exec (@sql)
-- trim everything, removing beginning and trailing spaces
set @sql = 'update ' + @Table + ' set [' + @Column + '] = ltrim(rtrim([' + @Column +']))'
--select (@sql)
exec (@sql)
-- add your specialized cleaning code here...
-- go to next column name
set @x = @x + 1
drop table #aTempTable
/* Sample Output -- that would be run by the exec (@sql) statements
update Author set [AuthorName] = replace(replace([AuthorName],char(10),' '), char(13), ' ')
This is where I blog mostly for my own benefit, so I can remember some of the programming and IT stuff that I have worked on in the past.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Clean Every SQL Table Column of Unwanted Data
Here is a simple T-SQL snippet for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and probably other editions) that you can use to clean up the strings in the columns of your table by removing extra spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and newlines. This is useful when you have imported data from somewhere and need to do some cleaning on it...
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